education verses online education. Both forms can warrant a degree, but the
variance of this education is up for debate.
have studied traditionally at two different colleges, Greenville College and Spring Arbor University. I physically attended
each of the classes I took at both schools. I had the privilege to wake up each
day, get ready for class, and walk across campus to my classroom. This process
alone leads to both a healthy lifestyle and a positive learning
at both colleges like to engage their students in both in-class learning as
well as learning from their "home" computer. Online learning
platforms such as "Angel," once used at Greenville College, or Blackboard, currently used at Spring
Arbor University, are great for connecting students and technology. Professors
can give students an excellent mix of the traditional form of education in the
classroom, but also implement forms of online education using such programs.
degrees brag that students can "do homework in their pajamas!" This
may be true, but I argue, can't I wear pajamas to my classes at Spring Arbor?
No rule says I couldn't! Classroom learning engages us as students and
encourages conversation and connectivity. If the professor chooses to continue
this connectivity using Blackboard, then I could also communicate with my
classmates at 3am!
The relationship with peers and professors is a huge benefit that I as a student would never wish to give up. Students who truly care about their education will continue learning outside of the classroom, just like an online student. Through traditional education, students are able to receive the best of both worlds and can even show off their new pj's to their classmates! Traditional > online.
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