Monday, May 28, 2012

Beauty is found in the eyes of THEE Beholder.

God made each of us exactly how He wanted us to be made... in His image... totally and completely perfect to Him! Why then, do so many people want to alter the way in which God has created them? I know that so many different articles have been written about subjects such as these. People are trying to change what they look like to better themselves. While some body alterations are needed and completely understandable, others I find so extremely shocking.

The other day I posted a picture to Facebook without even giving it a second thought. I didn't find the picture while reading an article or anything of the sort. It randomly popped up on my news feed and I copy and pasted it (probably illegally) to my Facebook page. Anyway... so here's this picture...

...and I find myself looking at it, but wasn't thinking anything more than "WOW!, check out the power of makeup." NO, that picture is not just showing us the power of make up. So much more was done to that woman's face than a little addition of makeup. She completely altered one side of her face, and I'm sure the other side eventually, for some reason or another... To make herself appear prettier to others most likely. Why, why, why does it matter whether or not we are born with an extra fold in our eye lid or not? Who is to say this is prettier? What would God say?

I would think our God would say, I made you JUST how I wanted you to look! YOU are beautiful, daughter(or son) of mine. Rest in that assurance. Don't look to others for approval... for approval alone only needs to come from the Lord! I could go on and on about this subject, but seeing as how I am way past my point of exhaustion, I think I will close with posting this not so sort article I just read, thanks to Daniel Eads, about some of what I am talking about above. I think once you read the article, its words alone will probably sink in possibly more than mine. Please take a minute to read this article:

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4


ps. i am now realizing that maybe it appears i am judging any and all who took part in these sort of eye lid/plastic surgery sort of procedures. i am not. no judging here. what i am trying to say is that you, all of you, are beautiful exactly how you already are. changes already having been made or not, God is totally and completely in love with us. that is an awesome thing to remember! outward appearances are not going to alter God's undying. unconditional love for us. rest assured in that and remember where true beauty comes from, myself included in this remembering. #workInprogress 

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